Tidy Your Space: Transform Your Life  Spark Joy

People from all over the world are channeling their inner "Marie Kondo".   Best selling author and Netflix star, Marie Kondo, is helping people transform their cluttered homes into serene spaces, through her trademarked tidying method, the "KonMari Method".  The  process is not about decluttering your house or making it look neat on the spur of the moment for visitors.  It's about tidying up in a way that will spark joy in your life and change it forever.  Choose Joy.

If you haven't heard of Marie Kondo yet, you can learn all about her, here:  konmari.com.  

I've been reading from her bestselling book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" and watching her show "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo".  It's interesting to me...and not just the tidying process, but the emphasis on being mindful and discovering what sparks joy. This is something that we should all be more aware of in everything that we do.

I don't have a cluttered home, but I can definitely see how her processes can help me organize and tidy my spaces a bit more.  Especially in the paper and sentimental categories of her KonMari method.  I seem to file papers away, I have an abundance of photographs and I hang on to things that once had meaning.  During this tidying process, you keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy.  You are to thank them for their service – then let them go.

I've created a little checklist/worksheet to get me started, so it's not so overwhelming doing it on my own (if only Marie Kondo was here, guiding me and cheering me on).  I'm going to attach it below in case you are also looking for a place to start.  I'm also going to document my progress, and in a few weeks, I hope to upload another blog post with my thoughts on this latest tidying craze, the "KonMari Method".   Check back soon!!